What is Feng Shui

“In today’s fast-paced, multifaceted if not chaotic world, the ancient tradition of Feng Shui seems to have even more relevance with its ability to support and enhance the human experience.”

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art, originating many centuries ago. The name ‘Feng’ signifies Wind and ‘Shui’ means Water. The real foundation of Feng Shui is to understand the laws of the universe and how everything is made up of Qi (energy) vibrating at different frequencies.

With the universal law in mind, this knowledge is applied to improve our living or working environment and how it directly impacts us on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. Since our surroundings can influence the natural flow of positive energy, our circumstances in life are a reflection and outcome of the energy attracted to us as an individual. Feng Shui can therefore bring harmony within our immediate environment and help us to enhance happiness, prosperity, success, and balance in all areas of our life.

For generations, Feng Shui has evolved through more in-depth study and awareness of the forces of nature and the elements. Although inherent and traditional, the art of Feng Shui continues to progress today, making it both relevant in a modern world, as well as to each unique space and circumstance.

Rebalance Your Future

Feng Shui can support us in the moment, but also renew the way forward. Read more about the services we offer with Classical Feng Shui Consultations, Advanced Feng Shui Audits, Space Organising, Sacred Space Clearing, Building & Renovating and Real Estate for buying, selling and renting.