Terms of Use


This website www.DefinedByFengShui.com provides information about Feng Shui and related services, including Feng Shui Consultations, Advanced Feng Shui Audits, Sacred Space Clearing, Space Organising, Feng Shui when Building or Renovating, and Feng Shui with Real Estate. These services are available upon request and further discussions. Generally, these services are available in Dubai and throughout the UAE and GCC region, Europe and the wider EMEA region, and Melbourne Australia. Some of these services are also available remotely, with online Feng Shui readings and consultations.

Please read the following Terms of Use carefully. This section is very important and acts as the Legal Disclaimer to this website and all content within, any linked official channels such as blogs and social media, as well as any consultations and services thereafter. By visiting and using this DefinedByFengShui website, any of its official social media channels, or any of the services, you acknowledge and agree that you have read and understand these Terms of Use.

For more information regarding the collection of and privacy of data whilst using this www.DefinedByFengShui.com website, please read the Privacy Policy.

For further information, please feel free to contact us directly at Contact 'at' DefinedByFengShui.com

This website www.DefinedByFengShui.com, and all content within is only an informative guide as to the topic and services offered regarding Feng Shui, and should in no way be considered as final and absolute on this subject matter.

Further consultation with a professional, such as with our team here at DefinedByFengShui is essential in order to fully determine an enquiry and proceed with a Feng Shui consultation or related service. Feng Shui consultations and related services are always discussed in greater detail with prospective interests prior to any acceptance or action. This is all usually done as a relationship-building process, so the DefinedByFengShui team can better get to know and understand their requirements – situation, environment, space and orientations, so as to conduct the necessary evaluations and calculations – and so the enquirer can better get to know the DefinedByFengShui team and process. Such is the nature of Feng Shui consultations and related services.


The material on this website is only a summary of the subject matter covered and is not intended to be, nor should it be relied on as a substitute for any exact and direct professional business consultation, medical, life or other necessary advice, whether or not specifically relating to Feng Shui, and/or any other mentioned service. As always, it is recommended that users exercise their own care, caution and discretion with respect to use of this website and content within, as indeed of all other online sources and information on the Internet or other, and carefully consider and evaluate all information, before making any decision or taking any action.

Your situation is very important to us here at DefinedByFengShui. We always act in good faith and make every effort to offer our Feng Shui consultations and related services to support and enhance your well-being and help you achieve your desired goals. These services are strictly based on the sound practices of Feng Shui, however, are only readings that then formulate our opinion and suggestions.

All the services that we provide, as published on this website are presented as is, however cannot be taken as any guarantee or warranty, either expressed or implied, for change or for achieving in any result. It is important to highlight that Feng Shui is one of the five arts of Chinese Metaphysics, classified as physiognomy and considered a pseudoscience. Results can differ with individuals and with individual cases. As such, there is no assurance that success previously achieved from any Feng Shui consultation or related services can be duplicated exactly in any other future situation. There is no absolute or definitive way of knowing how you will do from any Feng Shui consultation or related services. Indeed, there are many factors and variables that must be considered, which although our Feng Shui consultations and related services attempt to consider and limit, cannot fully control. Thus, you accept the risk for some degree of non-success, or rather not full success that may occur.

DefinedByFengShui is not responsible for the success or failure of your decisions including any life, financial/investment, health, or design/development decisions relating to any information or content presented on this website, including web pages and blog posts, any social media content on official channels, nor subsequent advice and service thereafter. DefinedByFengShui cannot guarantee or imply that you will be fully successful.

By continuing to use this website, make an enquiry, or accept and undertake any service thereafter, you agree that DefinedByFengShui and personnel are not responsible for any success or lack of that you may experience, at any stage, and take no liability for any damage accrued by you or others.

The opinions and comments expressed on the about page if this website, i.e. testimonials, belong to the individual authors and reflect their personal experiences from our Feng Shui consultations and related services. These were provided voluntarily and published with their full permission. They are only an indication and genuine feedback from previous clients. No representations, promises or guarantees are made or should be considered to be made that you will have the exact same or even similar experience or results from a Feng Shui consultation or related service. The same holds true for any feedback, comments and reviews on third party sources and official channels, such as blogs and social media.

IMPORTANT. No payments are made via this website.

Only initial enquiries to Feng Shui consultations and related services can be submitted through this website's contact form, or indeed direct over email, but not confirmed or paid as such. Not even for the remote/online Feng Shui service options.

DefinedByFengShui will always explicitly ask when requiring further information that personally identifies you or any personal/business information needed to contact you and follow up with your enquiry, such as when requiring additional information about your location and space – home, workplace or commercial – for the purpose of providing any of our Feng Shui services. The same holds true for when any payment transactions are to be made.

Such services are done only via a relationship-building process, and after the DefinedByFengShui team better gets to know you and understands your requirements – situation, environment and space – and indeed when you get to know us better. This might be over email, telephone, or other form of electronic communication and only after more in depth discussions and establishing a proper professional rapport. DefinedByFengShui will in turn use such detail in full privacy and only to provide more information on the initial enquiry for Feng Shui consultations and related service or any other feedback, as requested.

Payment process is subsequently made via common methods, including direct payment, bank transfers, credit cards or PayPal.

Material/content found on this www.DefinedByFengShui.com website is copyright and the intellectual property of DefinedByFengShui.

All content on this website is therefore protected by the terms of the Universal Copyright Convention on intellectual property as adopted in 1952 (Berne) and revised in 1972 (Paris), unless otherwise stated or clearly implied, i.e. videos uploaded to YouTube are in the public domain and provided with tools to share via social media or embed into a website. This then means they are available to be used and fed by other third party website, although also subject to their own specific terms and conditions.

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If you have any questions about third party links and partners notice or any other enquiries, please feel free to make contact with DefinedByFengShui directly at contact ‘at’ DefinedByFengShui.com

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However, the number and nature of social media services used by DefinedByFengShui could change over time without notice. Thus, the following website disclaimer applies to all social media services in use by DefinedByFengShui at any given time, regardless of whether they are mentioned here or not.

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While by DefinedByFengShui will endeavour to maintain the currency and accuracy of information published via its own social media channels, it does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information available on its social media channels – particularly considering that trends rapidly change. Users are advised to take care and caution, and should themselves check the accuracy and currency of information posted on social media, as indeed any online source, before taking any action. A good way would also be to speak to us directly.

Social media services may occasionally be unavailable and DefinedByFengShui accepts no responsibility for lack of service due to downtime.

As part of standard evolution, business situations, practices and services rendered may alter in some way over time. As such, DefinedByFengShui reserves the right to modify, alter, or update this website's Terms of Use at any time accordingly to be relevant with any updates. As the user, you agree to be bound by such changes, and to its current relevancy, as presented on this website at any present given time.


Contact ‘at’ DefinedByFengShui.com