Building or Renovating

About Service

Get it right the first time and you never have to look back.

Most people don’t quite understand the importance of site selection, building directions and room placement when developing a new property or undergoing major renovations. These aspects all play a crucial role in one’s life and can have a dramatic impact in all areas of life.

Ensure that your health, wealth, success, prosperity, love life and relationships are in areas that bring you abundance and not difficulty in life.


Working with your architect, this service implements the principles of Feng Shui at the planning stage when building or renovating.

  • Ensure to choose the most auspicious facing direction for your property based on Feng Shui principles
  • External environment analysis and recommendations
  • Internal room by room analysis and recommendations
  • Getting the floor plan and layouts right at the planning stage
  • Modern Feng Shui analysis and recommendations that cover the best building materials for your site

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